Without a sign of embarrassment: 63-year-old Sharon Stone showed her honest photos without makeup

It is a long time, that famous women, one after another appear in front of their subscribers without cosmetics. This has became a kind of challenge to show their natural beauty. Only not all the stars are ready to take such a step.
And the 63 years old Sharon Stone is not of cowardly women, and her frank pics were the vivid evidence. Users were divided into those who liked the appearance of Stone, but the haters reported a celebrity. “Youth is flowing from her”, “If she feels young, why is it bad?”, “Without plastic surgery and such a smooth face, great!”, fans write.
“It can be seen that the woman is already at her senior age”, “The years can’t be hidden on the face!”, “It is strange to see such frank photos of the old woman”, “It’s time to become more modest,” the ill-wishers objected to the fans.
And what do you think about the adorable actress? Whose opinion will you agree with?