Here is Angelina Jolie’s foster daughter, whom she adopted 17 years ago from Ethiopia

 Here is Angelina Jolie’s foster daughter, whom she adopted 17 years ago from Ethiopia

Angelina Jolie is not only the most beautiful woman in Hollywood, but also the actress who has the biggest and kindest heart. In addition, she is a UN Goodwill Ambassador. Angelina, being very famous, never allowed herself to be led with pride and disrespect for poor people.

She has been involved in charity all her life, helping the poor and the elderly and children. She has 6 children, 3 of whom are adopted.

And she loves all her children equally, without any difference.

In 2005, Jolie, along with Brad Pitt, were in Ethiopia as part of a charity, where they visited orphanages. It was there that they saw a little dark-sinned girl who looked at them with her big and bottomless eyes.

They liked the girl at the first sight and decided that she would be their daughter. The couple did not think for a long time and made a common decision to adopt the baby. She was only 6 months old.

They named her Zakhara, she got stronger and grew up a very smart and capable girl. Now Zahara is already 17 years old, she has grown up and become a real beauty. She studied well at school, and now she is thinking about her future profession.

Very often among journalists there are rumors that it is she who is the most beautiful among all the children of the spouses. Zahara has a unique and distinct appearance. Here are her photos!


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