When the nice guy realizes that the pigeon is trying to communicate with him, he stops

 When the nice guy realizes that the pigeon is trying to communicate with him, he stops

“She swooped up directly next to me while I was going along the promenade admiring the water.”

Sometimes helping a fellow creature only takes a few seconds, and thankfully recently a kind man passing down a boardwalk was alert enough to see the opportunity.

A wild pigeon chose to accompany Arizona resident Jack Neal and his mother as they were exploring Santa Barbara, California and taking in the picturesque coastline.

“She swooped up directly next to me while I was going along the promenade admiring the water.” Neal stated.

Neal was still observing her when the pigeon flew over a nearby water feature; it almost seemed as though she was trying to get his attention.

Neal added, “I thought she might use some help. She appeared like she was fighting to locate oily water from what was left in the water fountain.

Being a wild pigeon is fantastic for flying, but not so wonderful for running a water fountain.

Neal helped her out by pushing the button for her.

While Neal stood there holding the button, the pigeon repeatedly leaned towards the stream of fresh water for long sips, indicating that it was clearly content.

Neal’s mother was obviously pleased with how kind her kid was to the pigeon. Neal stated, “She thought it was cute, so she shot the video.”

Neal said, “I have two dogs, two cats, and a particularly rowdy bearded dragon. “I adore animals without a doubt!”

And if this pigeon is anything to go by, other animals also appear to love him.

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