“What Has Changed Over The Time?: 15 Photos Proving That People Used To Be Beautiful Without Any Photo Filters In The Past!

Half a century ago there were no smartphone apps with inbuilt photo filters, but beautiful people in photos were – what nonsense is that? After all, today no photo is published on social networks without being retouched! That’s why everyone is beautiful, but after heated discussions, Italian users began to post photos of their grandparents, who could look like models long before all this obscurantism with photos.
An ordinary girl from 1954
Grandma worked as a welder
A young father with his son, 1963.
In 1947, girls smoked pipes.
A 20-year-old trainee
Photo of great-grandmother from the 1930s
A girl out for a walk. Detroit, 1938.
They were tough people, physically fit.
A girl in an office, 1960s
A young acrobat from the circus
A bride before her wedding, 1968
A regular worker comes back from his shift
A girl from Morocco, 1970
A young man, 1940
A young officer
It is clear that there were people with simpler looks, but it is still amazing to realise how they used to manage to be beautiful without make-up and retouching.