What a dangeorus act! Tom Cruise shocked people with the video of his risky stunts while filming a movie

The amazing actor of all the world Tom Cruise has always shined in his work. And recently he shocked everyone with his dangerous and adventurous act. The Hollywood actor joined the shooting of the action movie “Mission Impossible-7”, where the celebrity performed all the stunts in the tape without the help of stuntmen, including risky ones too.
In his Instagram, the Hollywood star decided to show how the process of filming one of these stunts took place.
The star posted an interesting video where he has to take off on a motorcycle from the top of a cliff and after a few tense minutes open a parachute. While Tom was doing a dangerous stunt, the entire film crew, along with director Christopher McQuarrie, were visibly anxious. The tension only eased when Cruz opened his parachute and landed successfully.
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The Hollywood actor has been training all year to successfully pull off the stunt. Cruz has skydived 500 times and did 13,000 motocross jumps. This helped the star properly prepare for the dangersome stunt.