Veterinary Nurse Has Sweetest Way Of Greeting Pets Waking After Surgery

One thing you should know about animals is that it is very difficult for them to wake up from anesthesia.
Luckily the vets know exactly what to do in such cases. And they replace the fear with lo ve and comfort.
Meet Bella! She was brought to the clinic for a dental procedure. And well it was obvious that the dog was very anxious.
The vet knew what to do in that case.
She hugged the dog so when she woke up she feels love ad care.
Soon when she woke up at first she was a little scared but soon she calmed down and relaxed.
@alinadrojas Wait till the end .. ❤️ #vettechtok #veterinarymedicine ♬ Sad Guitar – DT_Music
“It’s the best form of therapy for me,” she said. “Being a veterinary nurse, this is exactly what I signed up for — to help these babies physically and emotionally, and overall just in any way I can. I love doing this and knowing that my comfort makes them feel safe.”