This couple created a strong family, they raise two children and live a full life, despite all the difficulties of fate

 This couple created a strong family, they raise two children and live a full life, despite all the difficulties of fate

Charlie and Cullen Worgan, who live in Australia are simple people who live simple lives. They play sports, go for walks, travel and run their own business.

The couple already has two daughters. But the fact is that this family is not ordinary. The spouses are dwarfs. The height of the mother of the family, 27-year-old Charlie – is 127 cm, her husband 38-year-old Cullen, is 137 cm.

The man has hereditary dwarfism, and the girl has a rare disease that can lead to serious health problems. Heredity in both, apparently, is not the most favorable. Doctors warned them about this. But this did not stop them from having a child.

But unfortunately, the disappointing forecasts of doctors came true. Their eldest daughter Tilba suffers from the same disease as her mother. This is “achondroplasia” – the underdevelopment of long bones. But this is not all the trials that life has prepared for them, the youngest daughter also inherited her father’s dwarfism.

Despite their illnesses, the family is absolutely happy: they lead a full life, enjoy every day and do not pay attention to the accusations that, unfortunately, sound against them from time to time.

With some people, fate disposes not very fairly. Despite all the trials and hardships of life, they created a family and are happy. This family of gnomes serves as an example for many such people. They teach us to appreciate what we have and not to complain about fate.

Four years ago, the couple decided to start an Instagram page where they share information about their lives. Now they have thousands of subscribers around the world who are sincerely happy for them and support them.

The couple is sure: there are no barriers to live fully. You can enjoy every day, play sports, have fun despite all problems. They have no problems with work, both found themselves in the professional field. Cullen has his own business, and Charlie works for a large company.



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“We are people as everyone else. We eat the same products, we rest in the same establishments, we travel along the same routes as everyone else,” the husband and wife say.


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So far, neither Charlie (27) nor Cullen (38) have experienced any major health problems due to their diagnosis. A healthy lifestyle and regular exercise keep them fit. The couple hopes that their experience will help other dwarfs to believe in themselves and  they claim that a medical diagnosis is not a death sentence.

The most important thing is that they are happy and love reigns in their hearts.


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