This 90-year-old woman is happy now! Her grandson was able to fulfill her dream. Now she has even more plans for life

The life of 90-year-old Joy Ryan was full of happy and bitter events. But the family always came first for her, and her own dreams were put for another time. But today we will prove to you that you can live “to the fullest” not only in your youth, but at any age!
Joy’s family was not rich. The woman lived all her life in a small town of Duncan Falls, where she worked in a supermarket. Of course, she sometimes went on vacation with her husband and children, but Joy never saw sea.
Two of her three sons died when they were forty years old, and she became a widow twenty years ago. Now our heroine spends most of her time in front of TV, watching various TV shows and rarely sees her family.
The life of this elderly woman was monotonous and devoid of any thrill. She did not even suspect that her life could change so radically and become so interesting and vibrant.
But everything changed when her beloved grandson came to visit her. The guy met several hikers in college and he talked about hiking in the Appalachians to his grandmother Joy.
The curiosity and sincere regret of the grandmother that she would never be able to visit such a wonderful place made his grandson think about it. Towards the end of his studies, he experienced a major shock: the suicide of his best friend.
It was very difficult for Brad to accept the fact that life could end so soon and so suddenly and that a person dear to him could be taken away from him. Since his grandmother was often sick, he wanted to be near her more and bring joyful moments to her pastime.
At the time, Joy was 85 years old, but she agreed to become Brad’s companion without hesitation. The trip to the Smoky Mountains National Park impressed both of them. Despite the big age difference, they got along very well. Joy was sincerely happy with the new experience, and Brad realized that friendship and common interests do not depend on the number of years lived.
The grandson decided that the first trip should not be the last, because his grandmother had not seen much yet! The guy said that he wants to show his granny all 61 national parks across America.
Now Joy has already visited almost half of the country’s national parks and intends to see the rest. Her grandson is doubly happy – he travels in good company and rejoices in his grandmother’s happiness.
Brad has an Instagram account where he regularly posts photo reports of the parks he visited with his grandmother. A woman is photographed against the backdrop of parks and these photos are posted on Instagram.
The woman feels well and even mentally rejuvenated. She even has new plans for life. She has already decided what she wants to do when she visits all the planned places – she is excited about the idea of skydiving.