Barbara Bach, the stunning actress known for her roles in films like The Spy Who Loved Me and The Black Belly of the Tarantula, has lived a fascinating life. Her journey from a young model to a Hollywood star and a beloved wife is a testament to her resilience and her ability to find love and happiness.

It was on the set of the film Caveman that Bach met her future husband, Ringo Starr. The two quickly fell in love and have been happily married for over four decades. Their love story is a testament to the enduring power of love and the importance of finding a partner who truly understands and supports you.

Their connection blossomed rapidly. She fondly remembered the moment their love solidified, sharing, “On April 27, Ringo told me he loved me.” By the time filming concluded, the pair had already moved in together, beginning a new chapter in their lives.

Navigating their public relationship wasn’t always easy, particularly as Starr had recently divorced Maureen Starkey, the mother of his three children: Zak, Jason, and Lee. Nevertheless, their love only grew stronger as they weathered life’s trials together. Reflecting on her unexpected second chance at love, she said, “I never imagined I’d fall so deeply in love again. My family was surprised, but it felt right.”

Starr echoed her feelings, expressing, “There’s no running away from it—I love Barbara now as much as I did when we first met. I’m incredibly fortunate that she loves me back, and we’re still going strong.”

Barbara Bach and Ringo Starr’s enduring romance stands as a shining example of love’s resilience. Despite the challenges of life in the spotlight, their bond remains unshakable after more than four decades, a testament to the strength of true love.