“They Are Always Ready To Cheer Up And Support Us”: 17 Adorable Photos Of Animals That Will Make Your Day!

There is never much positivity, unlike negativity, that’s why we try to spread it. Today, Lemurov.net is visited by cute, kind and mischievous pets!
I was away for just a few days
A farmer found his donkey after a fire
A therapy dog comforts sick animals in a veterinary clinic
There is happiness!
The little fox really wants to make friends
We replaced the offending cone with a groovy balloon collar
So much happiness from a piece of pasta.
The best babysitter
An autistic boy wouldn’t let anyone near him until he met a service dog
High five!
That’s my daughter. Foster.
My son sleeps a lot better now that he has a kitten.
I’ll eat you! Just kidding.
A mum cat with her kitten
And there is friendship in the wilderness
A five-day-old rabbit is pure cuteness.
Grew up and stayed friends
It’s encouraging to see pictures like this. They inspire hope that not everything is so bad.