The woman, who previously was 259 kg, lost weight to save her family

 The woman, who previously was 259 kg, lost weight to save her family

To lose 120 kg in one year is a perfect result for a lady who wanted to changer her life. Angel was actually immobilized at the age of 42. All the housework was under her husband’s responsibility. He even looked after their baby.The man confessed that he felt himself as a single father.

The girl had weight problems when she was 14. During that time she had a serious quarrel with her mother and left the house. Then she started to allay her grief with eating much.

Angel was 180kg when she got acquainted with her husband. And her weight was added with 90 kg after pregnancy. Her lovely man noticed how she was suffering, and he was really exhauseted from all the difficulties and problematic atmosphere in the house. So a bright idea came to his mind to participate in a reality show where his woman would get a help to lose weight and their life would eventually be changed.

Fortunately, the result was excellent! Angel kept diet and did physical activity and she lost 120 kg in a year. After that she did a stomach reduction surgery. She turned to a beautiful lady. And she continued to run a healthy life.

Now she is 80kg! Their life is happy and wonderful filled with enjoyable moments. Angel goes to the cinema or parks with her family without being ashamed and enjoys her life.

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