The woman was shocked to learn that she would have an amazing and extraordinary pregnancy

Lauren Perkins and her husband were really dreaming of becoming parents. They had passed many difficulties and hardships but something was wrong and they couldn’t have babies.
But the couple had a great hope that one day fortune would smile on them and they would gain the chance to get parents. And the miracle happened. They decided to do an artificial insemination and Lauren got pregnant.
It was the most amazing and expected news in their whole life. Imagine their reaction and happiness. The couple was visiting the doctors sistematicly to be sure everything was in order with the baby.
But the most wonderful and shocking was still ahead for them. It turned out that the woman expected 6 children! What a shock! The couple was taken aback by this amazing and adorable news. They were waiting for a little baby for so many years and now they would have 6 at once!
Doctors explained that in this case there was a risk that some of the babies wouldn’t survive in the womb. Lauren and David had to make a hard decision: to keep them all or get rid of some of them. And they solved to give chance to all of them to struggle for their life.
The expected day came and the woman delivered all her babies. They were too little and weak and needed to stay in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. But thankfully they were all healthy and gained strength quickly after good treatment.
The couple was grateful to the staff who were by their side and helped them to care for the tiny babies. They were extremely happy for their decision not to give up and reach their dream. They have the happiest and amazing family.