The Woman Got Tired Of Her Appearance And Decided To Change Her Life: What Are 5 Simple Rules That Helped Her Lose 145 lbs?

When Kia Twisselman’s weight crossed the mark of 290 Ibs , the girl decided to start an active struggle with it. The main motivation for her was Rachel Hollis’ book “Wake up, baby!”, which she read. There were set out five simple rules, which the 27-year-old began to follow.
Nothing supernatural: getting up an hour earlier, moving for at least half an hour a day, following a drinking regime, switching to intuitive eating and keeping a weight loss diary.
In 4 months, Kia’s weight dropped by 10kg, and this result inspired her to move on. The next goal was to lose 100 Ibs in 9 months.
Having got involved in the process, it became easier to fight with extra kilos. And the result that Kia saw after the planned time surprised even her.
The girl managed to lose as much as 22 Ibs more than planned. The scales showed -120 Ibs.
In addition to changes in appearance, Kia also had significant transformations in consciousness and attitude to life. The girl finally learnt to love herself and see her successes, and also became a motivator for other women.