The transformation is unbelievable: What the girl, who has lost 440 pounds, looks like now

 The transformation is unbelievable: What the girl, who has lost 440 pounds, looks like now

Amber Rahdi became famous all over the Internet thanks to her grandiose weight loss. The girl weighed a little more than 660 pounds. One day, looking at herself in the mirror, Rakhdi realized that such a lifestyle was leading her to an inevitable and imminent end.

Amber soon began to prepare for the operation. Psychologists worked with the girl, who helped Amber to accept the “new self” without the possibility of returning to her old life. Now it’s hard to believe that this slim blonde beauty once looked completely different.

People were shocked by the transformation of the girl: “I don’t believe my eyes”, “This is a victory”, “I admire such people”, “Why was all this necessary? Why did she let herself go like that?”, “Looks amazing”, “Excellent result”, “What a beauty”, were written under the pictures of the nice American.

And what about you? Were you surprised by the result? Did she make a right decision to change herself completely?

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