The sweet cat was grateful to the woman who saved her from the awful place

 The sweet cat was grateful to the woman who saved her from the awful place

The lovely cat Capone was wandering in the streets aimlessly and desperately. She found a dirty place in the trash to stay and wait for a good-natured person to help him. He was extremely frightened and confused by everything surrounding him.

Thankfully some kind people noticed him and called Meagan Licari, rescuer from Puppy Kitty NYCity, for help. She arrived immediately and saw the poor creature was lonely and scared. He was so terrified that even couldn’t eat anything. But when he saw the woman he let her come close to him as if feeling that the woman was there to save him not to harm.

Licari had only a dog carrier with her to take the sweet animal with her and she got amazed when the cat jumped in her arms searching for love and warmth. It was even more touching when he approached the carrier on his own with a great hope of being saved and protected. The moment was really amazing.

Now Capone’s life has changed after his rescue. He has found a forever loving home and started new life full of love and respect. He adores his owners who treat him warmly and kindly. He is also grateful to his rescuer and will never forget her kind did.

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