The sweet baby rhino feels comfortable and warm in his caretaker’s arms

The kind woman Laura Ellison works in the Rhino Orphanage in South Africa as a veterinary nurse and she is a real heroine for every rhino living there.
But there is one lovely creature named Kabelo, who simply adores her and considers her to be her best friend and “his pillow”! The fact is that the little baby loves to relax in Laura’s arms or lie down on her stomach to have some rest. He finds a great comfort and peace in her hands and, generally, in her company. Cabelo has a special and strong bond with the woman with whom he really feels safe and protected.
Though Laura’s love is endless towards the nice rhino, she thinks that these poor infants should be with their mothers as they are just tiny babies who need maternal love and care. But they are deprived of this right because of poachers. And they appear in the sanctuary in a deplorable state. So they truely need the workers’ attention and care. And Laura does her job perfectly. She adores these poor creatures who seek for love and security. And she gives them all her devotion and affection.
When Kabelo first appeared in the center he was extremely depressed and nervous. He was so lonely and confused, and the woman took the responsibility of taking care of the helpless baby. She was even sleeping with him to comfort and warm the needed creature. And she states that Kabelo was so gentle and kind to her from the very first time and he never harmed her. Despite the peoples’ cruelty towards him, he was full of hope and kindness to them and he trusted Laura from the very begining. This was incredible for her and she appreciated his acts greatly. She feels a huge responsibility of rising the lovable infant perfectly. Rhinoes deserve happy and nice life.