The stray wolfdog finally found his comfort and protection with kind people

The poor stray dog Castiel had nowhere to go and nothing to do in his life. He was abandoned and lonely becoming malnourished and infected with parasites and losing his fur. His life was an awful nightmare for him until kind rescuers appeared to change it completely. They noticed the weak and lonely creature and decided to help.
At first it seemed that he was an ordinary dog like others. But then it was discovered that Castiel was a wolfdog mix. And the staff realized that they couldn’t provide him with all the care and medical assistance he needed. But they did their best to help the miserable creature to survive. So they looked for a sanctuary that deals with hybrids.
Castiel finally was accepted by Wolf Sanctuary, which saves wolves and wolfdogs. The caring group of workers saved the poor animal who really needed their assistance. He got all the treatment and medication and began to gain strength.
Castiel was frightened and confused at first. He felt himself shy and depressed in his new place. He prefered to be alone and hide in the corners to avoid all the noise and interaction with others. But the caring and loving workers gradually made him feel comforted and happy with them. They taught him to socialize with other animals and start new life. And as a result, the sweet creature turned to a nice and joyful animal.