The stray helpless dog was finally given a chance to live properly

 The stray helpless dog was finally given a chance to live properly

The chief lifesabing officer of Stray Rescue of St. Louis Donna Lochmann got a call from a stranger and informed that a poor dog was lying in the street being all alone and abandoned. So the woman rushed to observe and help the nice animal.

When she arrived at the spot she found the miserable creature in an extremely terrible state. He was lying in the water coming from a gutter, maybe to be cool on that hot day. He was so skeletal that his bones were seen vividly under the body. It was so heartbreaking for the woman to spot him in that helpless condition and without any hope of future. He really needed assistance and the woman did her best to help him without hesitation.

She immediately took him to the shelter where the poor animal got all the medication and treatment he needed. The sweet pup was named Curby. He went to a foster home quickly where his kind owners care about him with great devotion and love.

Now Curby is living with his foster family and canine fellows with whom he adores to spend his whole time. He has started to show his sociable and friendly personality and also gained weight and strenght. He feels amazing surrounded with such lovely people.

Curby was given a second chance to start a new life where he is free and protected. He is thankful to his savior for assisting him and making his life wonderful.

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