The story of the Dionne quintuplets, who became famous in the world but had an unfortunate life

In 1934 an exceptional case took place in Canada which shocked the people living there. 5 little girls were born in a poor family who immediately drew the public attention and became the most popular babies of that time. But unfortunately, their fame was not the key of Dionne sisters’ sorrowful life.
The girls were premature, had small limbs and weighed only 600 gr. The doctor who took delivery was convinced that the babies would live no more than an hour, so they were hastily christened. However, the sisters were the first five survivors. The extraordinary news of the birth of the Dionne sisters spread across Canada within a few days.
The family was living in poor conditions. The parents didn’t even thought that they would have quintuplets and their birth was a real shock for them. However, this event was a great present for the Canadian government. The father of the newborn babies decided to exhibit his daughters at the Chicago World’s Fair. The authorities used this great chance and organize a unique exhibition. A special place was constructed for the girls with large windows for people to look at them.
The Dione sisters spent 8 years in the pavilion, and during this more than three million people saw them. Thanks to the sisters, the event became the most important one for the country, enticing more visitors than ever before. The girls became a real brand and a huge amount of money was collected by selling different items with their pics.
The well-known twins became a cult figure.Their photos were intensively used for advertising purpoes for numerous products, clothes and many other things. Even some films were released about them in Hollywood.
The popular figures were isolated from the world. They got the best care, food, dresses from different brands. But they were cut from their family and didn’t communicate with their parents. Such kind of strict daily life left a huge mark on their future life.
After a little, the fate of the sisters changed very sad: at the age of 20, one of them, Emily, had an epileptic seizure in the monastery, where she decided to go and she died prematurely. It was a great tragedy for the sisters.
Marie got married, but her marriage was unsuccessful. She died at the age of only 30. Cecile and Annette also failed to find happiness in marriage. Cecile also gave birth to twins, but one of them soon died; she was widowed three years later. Yvonne led a quiet life.
The adult Dionne sisters filed a lawsuit and received $4 million in compensation from the state. “It is already very late and very little for our ruined lives,” the sisters said about it.
Today, only two of the girls are still alive. And we wish they lived the rest of their life happily and peacefully.