The senior dog and the stray cat had the warmest relationship ever

Cheeky was 14 years old lovely dog who was an expert of becoming friends with the cats that her owner Liz Heck fostered. She was a sociable and kind animal and the fact that these little creatures were her “enemies” didn’t bother her to create a wonderful bond with them.
But an encounter with an unexoected guest was somehow challenging for her. A stray cat was always wandering around the Heck’s house and trying to investigate all the area. She would appear om their fence or porch to get free food which Heck had put outside for stray animals.
And the encounter of Cheecky and the cat took place somehow in an awkward way. When she wanted to go outside Heck didn’t know that the cat was there at that time and when she saw Cheeky she got scared and scratched her nose. It was their first meeting which was failed.
But soon the owners found them together which was really shocking for them. The two animals were socialising woth each other warmly and gently. The new member of the family called Sushi found an adorable friend with whom she was protected and happy. She adored cuddling with Cheeky and was always with her. They were playing, hugging each other softly.
Sushi now had warm place and fresh food for living and also an amazing companion to enjoy her new life. This is a true friendship!