The poor little pit bull, who was at the edge of death, was saved and cared by the kind nurse

The little pit bull Sasha was welcomed by a kind woman, who discovered something strange and dangerous for the tiny animal and decided to take her to a shelter as she knew she couldn’t help her.
The fact was that poor Sasha had health problems from the very first days of birth. She had a cleft lip and palate, upper respiratory infection, orthopetic issues and other infections. The poor creature was at the edge of death when she met the experienced vet nurse Marie DeMarco who became a real heroine for the sweet animal who was seeking care and love.
DeMarco gave the little dog all her devotion and care. And due to the extensive treatment Sasha started to recover. She had a great will and desire to overcome all the difficulties and become healthy. And the professionals did their best to help her and provide her for a better life. Now Sasha is getting well and happy day by day. She feels comfortable with her saviors and is thankful to them for saving her life.