The poor dog, who had been lost for 2 months, was found in a cave and saved by kind people

 The poor dog, who had been lost for 2 months, was found in a cave and saved by kind people

The sweet dog Abby was considered to be lost for 2 months and no one had any news about her. And when a group of recreational cavers were working on a project in a cave, something unvelievable was awaited them. Abby was stuck in a narrow opening in the cave in the darkness.

The two of the men started to act to help the poor dog. They knew that it would be really hard to pull her out from it but they had no chance to assist the needed one. The men put duffle bag with a blanket and tried to lift Abby without any stress. Soon, seeing that the men were not going to harm her and wanted to help, Abby climbed on the bag herself, making the process easy. Abby felt warm and comfortable lying on the blanket.

Now it was the time to go out of the cave which was more difficult with the frightened dog as they only had a hand line. The rescuers zipped the bag partly and tried to climb out of the cave holding Abby vertically. After 90 minutes they managed to get out of the deep hole.

Abby immediately was transported to the hospital and got medical assistance. She was skinny and weak but fortunately didn’t have injuries. Then her owner arrived at the spot and shocked to meet her after so long time. He took Abby home and began to nurse her very carefully. Abby gradually began to gain health. The two men completed their mission and saved the nice animal.

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