The police officers welcomed an unexpected visitor who brightened their day

Police officers in Texas were on their work when a sudden visitor came in. Early in the morning a lovely dog entered into the office and greeted the workers. The cops were shocked and confused by the unexpected creature who seemed to be so happy and friendly with them. He even approached one of them with his smiling eyes as if he wanted to say something.
Sergeant Rusty Martin was that one to welcome the nice animal and he stated that the adorable dog was no way depressed or befuddled. He just wanted to play with them. But during that time the officers also tried to find his owner and called the animal control to come for microchip checking.
But before their arrival, the friendly German Shepherd decided that his time was over and he had to go away, so he just ran out as unexpctedly as he came in. And the next day Martin was informed that the sweet animal was reunited with his owner. Everything was fine and happy with him. His human dad responded and told them that his wonderful canine whose name was Chico returned home from his long journey. The man thanked the copes for their kind and helping manner.
The officers were so happy and pleased that the clever animal was safe and sound. They are ready to welcome him every time he wants to visit them.