The participant of “My 600 lb Life” has changed completely and became a real beauty

 The participant of  “My 600 lb Life” has changed completely and became a real beauty

Since childhood, Nicole Lewis had a difficult relationship with her mother. After each quarrel, Nicole went to the kitchen and just seized the stress. At 14, she already weighed about 190 lb. And because she started having problems at school, some guys made fun of her.

After that, Nicole began to eat even more and by the age of 24 weighed 530 lb. Despite this, Nicole found the man of her dreams and gave birth to two children from him. But at some point, Nicole realized that it was already hard for her to breathe and move around.

She was afraid that in the future, due to excess weight, she wouldn’t be able to spend much time with her children. For the sake of the family, Nicole decided to go to the program “My 600 lb life”, where specialists help participants lose weight by developing a special diet and exercise.

For a whole year, Nicole managed to get used to and even love all these vegetables and gave up sweets. And here’s what she looks like now.

Do you like the woman’s transformation? Are you so purposeful like her?

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