The mother involved her little daughter in beauty pageants which then led to tragedy

What is a children’s beauty pageant? It would seem that nothing is wrong when beautiful children appear on the catwalk. But in fact, the topic is very complex. The big problem is that parents decide everything for their children, actually forgetting about their interests and well-being for the sake of their own ambitions.
In 2009, the Toddlers & Tiaras show began in America, in which little girls took part. Parents prepared children like adults! They did artificial nails, made self-tanning. Among these children was Britney Campbell. The girl at that time was 8 years old. But by her age, she went through more than one show. There were a lot of children’s beauty contests behind, so even passers-by began to recognize Britney.
Mom was so delighted away by her daughter’s modeling career that she decided to use not only tanning, but also depilation, Botox!
It is worth to mention that beauty salons didn’t agree to experiment with an eight-year-old child! Alas, this did not stop the mother. The woman did her daughter Botox and everything needed. She repeated the procedures every three months. The girl was crying in pain. Gradually, the child’s psyche broke down. And once Britney herself came to her mother with the words that she needed an injection, because wrinkles had appeared, and they needed to be eliminated.
Mother did depilation to her daughter in all zones! She stated that thanks to this, hair wouldn’t bother Britney in the future. And the woman also explained her actions by the fact that she had to fight for victory in the children’s beauty contests, where everyone is cruel, even children.
It is literally unbelievable that the mother categorically reduses to admit that that she did something wrong for the child! Moreover, she stated that all this was for the sake of her daughter’s happiness. And that she is going to always act in her best interests.
Fortunately, the US social services didn’t pass indifferently by such a glaring situation. It was difficult to deprive Britney’s mother of parental rights, since there is no law in the States that would directly prohibit Botox injections for a child. There are indications when this has to be done for medical purposes. But social services got their way!
This child has been rescued. But how many Britneys are there around the world? The topic cannot be neglected, because adults actually cripple the fate of their own children! What do you think about this?