“The Most Beautiful Of All Hollywood Star Heiresses”: Angelina Jolie’s 18-Year-Old Daughter Was Spotted On a Walk!

Eighteen-year-old Shiloh hit the jackpot by being born to Hollywood actors Jolie and Pitt. From birth, she’s held a golden ticket, inheriting the flawless looks of her parents.
Often called the most beautiful star-born in Hollywood, Shiloh seems almost shy of her stunning looks, favoring oversized, baggy clothing that hides her frame. Recently, she’s even chopped her hair into a short, “boyish” cut, which reportedly frustrated her strict mom.
Angelina had thought Shiloh was settling into a more conventional style, but her daughter keeps showing her rebellious spirit. “Why does she keep hiding her beauty?” “Even dressed down and without makeup, Shiloh looks amazing.”
“She has her dad’s beauty,” “Poor kid. Angelina shouldn’t have had kids,” were a few of the comments under her photos.
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