The man became a real hero for the tiny dog whom he saved from drowning into the icy water

We call a “hero” to the ones who help and save us from a dreadful and horrific situation. And this man became such one for the poor tiny dog who appeared in a tragedic state and was almost in the edge of death.
The good-natured man Don Chatten was walking with his pets in the park on a cold winter day. And suddenly a woman approached him and asked for help to find her little dog. Don couldn’t be indifferent and he suggested his assistance. He found the woman’s pet in the icy lake and realized she was in danger. So he knew he had to act fast.
The kind man immediately called 911 but he was afraid of losing time, so he decided to rescue the poor creature by himself. He tried to crawl on the ice but it just broke and the man plunged into it. But it didn’t bother him to reach the drowning animal to take her out of the cold water.
The trembling creature was taken to the vet to be checked. Her mistress was deeply thankful to the lovely person for saving her dog’s life. And the poor animal herself surely knew that this man was her hero. He deserved all this appreciation and respect.