The kind woman helped the poor dog who was staring into the distance waiting for his owners

Adriana Figueroa, an animal lover and rescuer, was driving home along the busy highway when she suddenly spotted an abandoned and lonely pup by the side of the road. She couldn’t pass indifferently, so she stopped her car and approached the poor animal to give a helping hand.
The woman was really heartbroken when she noticed the sweet creature was gazing at the distance sorrowfully as if he was waiting his owners to come and take him. It was literally painful for the woman to see how the poor pup was suffering. So she tried to warm him and take him to the safety. Adriana patiently waited for two hours luring him with food and trying to gain his trust. And finally, the helpless animal gave up and sat in the car being motionless and weak.
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At first the sweet dog refused being stroked and eat something but then he gradually began to feel comfortable and free in his new house. And Adriana did her best to make his life colorful and happy. She named him Melo and started to search for a permanent home for him. And fortunately, he efforts gave their expected result. A kind family was found to love and care for the nice dog. They were a perfect match for Melo and he was feeling great with them.
Now Melo is enjoying his life in his new house feeling comforted and loved by his adorable owner who do their best for their nice pet. And Melo is sure that they will never leave him like his former owners.