The kind rescuers found a poor animal shivering from cold and saved him

It may be sound so terrible and depressing but it is a real fact that many dogs can be thrown away as a trush and appear in the garbage. But this little pup was fortunate to be found by the kind workers of the animal center.
The good-natured people were informed that the poor dog was living in a garbage can being abandoned and lonely. It was a freezing winter day and when the staff arrived they found him shivering from the cold. A horrific scene that broke their hearts. So there was nothing to do but immediately take the miserable creature to the shelter.
He wasn’t microchiped and so it was difficult to learn where he came from or how long he was in the street. But one thing was clear now: the sweet animal was not alone and would never be in the street again.
The dog’s life has changed completely. Now he is safe and protected. He has a wonderful atmosphere and caring people around him who look after him with great love and devotion. The adorable canine is happy and contented for the life he has gained due to the good-nature rescuers.