The kind nurse adopted her patient’s dog to provide a proper life for him

 The kind nurse adopted her patient’s dog to provide a proper life for him

The kind woman Kim Still is a nurse at Northside Hospital Gwinnet, where she met an incredible old woman with a serious desease. Kim created a close bond with her during the time she was looking after her.

Unfortunately, there was no hope that the lafy would survive. And before her sad end, she had only one concern-what her loving dog would do without her. Kim knew tbat she adored her pet and treated him with dreat devotion. The patient didn’t have children or other relatives to care for the sweet animal.

So Kim did an extraordinary and amazing act by adopting sweet dog Jax. The woman who was in her last breath, was thrilled to know that her pet would be in good hands. She was sure Kim would take after him carefully and attentively. The woman passed away peacefully knowing that Jax would have perfect life.

For Kim, it was really happiness and pleasure to know that she helped not only her patient but also her lovely dog and that she did a kind act for her. It was beyond all of the other things. She knew she saved the little Jax and loved him much. Jax also appreciated and adored his savior. They became best friends. Jax gained a perfect companion after his owner’s death and lives happily with his lovable human.

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