The kind-hearted woman did her best to reunite the male horse with his family

 The kind-hearted woman did her best to reunite the male horse with his family

The kind woman Clare Staples was a great animal lover and the owner of the Skydog Sanctuary. She was looking after the wild horse Blue Zeus and his family in the area of Wyoming.

It was noticable that the stallion was so protective to his family and was taking care of his babies like a real dad. But a dreadful day came when Blue Zeus and his family had to be parted. They were captured by the Bureau of Land Management in order to clear the fields from wild horses.

Clare couldn’t bear this injustice and tried to do her best to save the animal and his relatives. She made all her efforts to reach the state of taking Blue Zeus, like emailing, calling, asking and she eventually gained the expected result. She could finally take her beloved horse for 25$ and he gained a second chance to roam in the sanctuary.

But the woman always noticed that the poor stallion was constantly looking for his family. He was staring at the distance wishing to see them again. So it was a principal aim for Clare to find also the other animals. She did an impossible to reunite them and she really managed to reach the thing she wanted. Blue Zeus and his family met again and never were apart from then.

Just imagine all the joy and content the sweet father felt. He was overjoyed and thankful to the woman who saved his whole family.

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