The Indian girl, who had a strange appearance, turned to a nice and wonderful personality

This Indian girl Pooja Ganatra was always at the center of everyone’s attention beacuse of her unusual and extraordinary appearance. The child had white skin, light eye coloring and golden hair which were not accepted in her country. And people thought she was ill.
However she grew up and started to love her strange look. Now she is a charming and lovable woman who boasts with her beautiful features. Though Pooja states that her parents are both Indians, she thinks that her such a lovely appearance was inherited from her ancestors.
Her bright and distinguishing look makes people treat her like a foreigner. They even stop her and want to be photographed with her. She does it preasurably but then tells them that she is one of them.
Pooja confesses that she has never had some complexes about being different from others. Moreover, she is so self-confident and happy.