The incredible transformation of a man, who lost 280 lbs in 15 months feeling he was so fat

 The incredible transformation of a man, who lost 280 lbs in 15 months feeling he was so fat

Ian Whitmore, 46, worked as a lumberjack in the UK. Once there was an accident, Ian broke his shoulder, and he had to quit. The man was left without work, it was a strong blow for him. It was terrible – depression and anxiety set in, and he practically lived on his couch for years. He was so tired that he didn’t have the energy to play with the kids. He simply couldn’t do anything.

Ian closed himself off from loved ones, drank at night, ate sandwiches – about 12 pieces a day, fast food, chips. At first, the man hid his bad habits from his family, but after 14 years of this lifestyle, everything has long become clear. He became so big that he could no longer go up to the second floor of the house – he was given a special medical bed on the ground floor. Father of 2 children developed diabetes.

The man was ashamed that he couldn’t be a full-fledged father – excess weight severely limited his actions. Therefore, in 2020, Ian nevertheless pulled himself together and began to lose weight. The man started by refusing nightly snacks, sweet breakfast cereals and constantly eating sandwiches. He gradually began to run physical activity. As a result, in 15 months the man lost 280 lbs. This is what proper motivation means.

He is so proud of his transformation. It is amazing to see him changing so drastically.

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