The hikers found a helpless dog in the cave and rescued him

 The hikers found a helpless dog in the cave and rescued him

An unexpected thing happened to the group of hikers who were exploring the caves in Dewey Hickman Nature Preserve in Indiana. They heard noices from there and came further to know what was happening there. And what an unfortunate surprise! There was a dog barking weakly to beg for help.

These kind people couldn’t pass indifferently and began to act to save the poor animal in need. They tied the animal with a harness and pull him out from the hole. The miserable creature was really thin and emiciated. It seemed he was there for a long time deprived of everything.

The poor animal named Hawkeye was immediately transported to hospital to be checked and get all the treatment he needed. After examination, it turned out that the sweet animal was in that terrible condition for 2 weeks.

When Hawkeye got all the medication and nurishment from the staff, they started to search for his owners as there was a lash on his neck when he was found. They shared with some posts and the masters were found instantly. They recognized their beloved pet and hurried to the shelter. The workers quickly arranged their meeting.

As soon as Hawkeye saw his owners he run to them joyfully and hugged them with a great warmth and longing. He was so thrilled and excited to meet them again. The family was also overjoyed and contented to take him from there. They were grateful to everyone who saved their pet’s life and were so kind and caring to him.

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