The guy rescued five small animals from the mud but he didn’t immediately understand who they were

Early in the morning, Shuracet Klaevkala, who lives in Thailand, was unable to go to work. The route brought him to the area of the new construction site. From there he heard a quiet, plaintive screeching.
The sound came from a small drainage channel filled with muddy water. Shuracet accidentally looked out and noticed strange animals splashing in the dirty water.
Then the guy dared to went into the ditch and take the poor babies from there. But they were so covered in mud that they looked like living figures that could barely move. And it was just impossible to learn who they were.
The female giving birth may have specifically chosen a secluded place and built a den, not knowing that the mud from the well would overflow and cover the newborn babies. By the way, there were no signs of her stay around, no signs that their mother was somewhere nearby, it was clear that the poor creatures were hungry.
So the guy took them to his house, washed them and only at that time it turned out that these little animals were nice puppies who were so weak and tiny and needed help. After having a bath they became soft and cute, and when they were fed, they began to play. At that moment, the whole family became aware of the discovery of our hero, and many people began to take care of the puppy. In the evening, a family meeting was held, and it was decided that all the puppies would stay at Shuracet’s house for good luck.