The girl found an old suitcase in the park and got startled finding something strange inside it

Sarah Baumer is a great animal lover who can’t imagine her life without pets. One day she went out for a walk in the park to get some fresh air. It was an ordinary sunny day, which didn’t portend anything special.
Probably, the girl would not even pay attention to the old suitcase lying on the grass, if not for the strange sounds that came from it. Coming closer, the girl was completely bewildered. She couldn’t even imagine that at that moment someone else’s fate was in her hands.
The suitcase looked abandoned and useless, but still there was something inside it. Curiosity overcame the girl, and looking inside, she was shocked. There was a whole litter of little black kittens there.
The kittens were hungry and malnourished, and they were constantly itching from flea bites. Apparently, some “inventive” owner decided in this way to get rid of the unwanted offspring of his cat.
The fact that Sarah found a suitcase with kittens and decided to open it is a real miracle. Without her help, they would certainly have died due to lack of air or hunger.
We live in the 21st century, and many people haven’t become more humane. One can only hope for the law of karma and believe that such actions really return like a boomerang.