The fat naughty cat tries to persuade people he is pregnant

 The fat naughty cat tries to persuade people he is pregnant

Here is Fat Fred! An incredibly active and energetic cat who has one amazing secret. He tries to convince people that he is pregnant. And he manages it as he is so fat to look like that.

Fred was adopted from a local animal shelter by vet Marcia Riedel who did her best for him to feel happy and comfortable. And as the time passed she noticed that her pet was getting big and fat and that he loved it!

The woman spotted that Fred prefered to wander in the clinic and to meet people than to stay at their house. Fred thinks that people have to give him food all the time. And his great mission is to persuade them that he is eating not just for himself.

The cunning animal loves to sit by the front window of the clinic and attract the attention of passers-by. And everyone believes he is pregnant and treats him so warmly and gently. Something Fred wants and really is delighted for.

So in order to clear everything up, Reidel has decided to put a note on the window for everybody to reveal his secret. So everything is exposed! And Fred has no idea about it. If he could read and learn about this he would definately deny this all.

Due to the woman, now he has lost his weight a little to be healthy. But he still tries to creat an impression of being pregnant and to gain peoples’ attention. What a sweet creature!

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