The faithful dog changed the grandma’s life and attitude towards hima after saving her life

The kind girl Annabelle Camp found a stray puppy in the street who needed help and care. So she took the baby to her house but she knew that her grandmother would strictly forbid her to keep him there. Annabelle could finally come to a conclusion with her and promised her that she would take the poor away if a foster family would be found for him.
But unfortunately no foster appeared and the dog who was named Mason had to go to a boarding facility until he could find his forever home. But things went even worse when the sweet animal got sick and was hospitalized. And when Annabelle heard about that she just begged her grandma to bring the miserable pup to their house and care for him. She just couldn’t be so indifferent and not to think about the one whom she saved. So she took Mason to her house and started to look after him with a great love and devotion. And the nice dog began to feel better and healthy.
But the grandmother couldn’t tolerate this in her house and she hardly saw or even socialize with him. She banned him to be in her room or hall. But the clever and faithful dog proved that he deserved to be loved and trusted. He did an incredible act which was precious and delightful for the family.
One night when Annabelle was slepping she suddenly woke up from Mason’s loud barkings. He was standing in front of her bed and bawling in an anxious way and the girl realized that something was wrong. She just followed the dog and went down to the grandma’s room where the adorable pet was licking her face and screaming helplessly.
Annabelle’s grandmother was unconscious because of her heart problem. But the girl could help her and save her life. And all this due to the Mason’s acts.
And when the grandma knew about the dog’s brave act, she was so thankful to him for rescuing her and giving her a second chance to live. Now she treated the loving pet warmly and kindly. So Mason won her heart by his courageous deed and he deserved her love and care.