The ex-wife of the worldwide actor Bruce Willis showed emotional pics of their family gathering

 The ex-wife of the worldwide actor Bruce Willis showed emotional pics of their family gathering

The former and current spouses of the prominent actor Bruce Willis decided to celebrate Christmas earlier gathering under one roof. It is worth saying that Bruce has aphasia. The actor announced that he was ending his acting career a couple of months ago. Colleagues of Willis said that the actor had difficulty remembering the text, Bruce began to have problems with memory and speech. Now the actor enjoys the company of family and friends.

Demi Moore managed to gather the actor’s heirs together surprising delighting her ex-husband. Bruce smiled through his tears at the camera as it was really an emotional and touching time for him.

People wrote a lot of words of appreciation and good will in the comments: “How sorrowful it all is!”, “It means that things are really bad”, “Strength to you and patience”, “My favorite actor, it’s a pity”, “We love you and are waiting for good news”, “Thank you for supporting him”, “Good health to you, Bruce”, “We are praying for you,”

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