The curvy Italian model has become the most desirable and charming woman

Angelica Bufalo is such a character to whom it is impossible to remain indifferent. From this, sofa warriors began their battles for the right claiming that it is really unfair. So people still cannot learn a simple childish rule: “Every man to his taste”.
Subscribers of the Italian model are sure that this is how a real woman should look, they say this is the standard and no model parameters are needed and are not written for her.
Especially this comment seemed more amusing: “She chewed your model parameters in her mouth. Beauty!”. However, some netizens consider Angelica completely ordinary, saying that there is nothing special about her.
The girl often updates her Instagram profile with new pictures, each of which causes a flurry of emotions in the form of numerous comments.
Angelica is absolutely not shy about her body, rather, on the contrary, she tries to boast her folds. The girl knows her strengths and actively uses them.
Of course, it is worth to say that Bufalo is a professional model, so even all the flaws look aesthetically pleasing, because the girl is very well-groomed.