The Cupboard Was Going To Be Sent To The Firewood: But The Spouses Transformed It Into a Stylish Piece Of Furniture!

One day, I stumbled upon an advertisement that read, “Giving away just for firewood.” Without hesitation, I called my husband, provided him with the address and tools, and sent him on a mission to rescue what would become the pride of our kitchen. By that evening, the cabinet was safely home with us.
First and foremost, I gave it a thorough cleaning, as there were signs of insect activity. I treated the legs and top to eliminate any remnants of varnish. The sides and doors required a good sanding, as the varnish was peeling away.
For the doors and side panels, I opted for an acrylic-based paint infused with filler and colorants. I applied two coats of paint, carefully smoothing the surface between layers to eliminate any imperfections.
This cabinet has become an indispensable piece in our kitchen. Even after we acquired new kitchen furniture, we chose to keep it. Now it proudly resides in the hallway, serving as my storage solution for tools and building materials. Its compact size takes up little space in the corridor, making it both functional and charming.