The couple was shocked to witness a sudden birth in their car

The kind couple was on their vocation when an incredible idea came to their mind to adopt a shelter dog who needed their help. And so they firmly did it taking a young poor dogie who had an injured leg and was also pregnant. The adorable animal Lizzy was in a deplorable state as someone had cruely abandoned her in such a difficult time for her. And so the pair was her hope of living better and caring for her future babies.
The kind woman Rebecca and her husband took Lizzy and had a long way to their house so they made a comfortable bed for her in tha back seat of the car and Rebecca sat next to her to pet her and comfort her. And during their drove, the pair witnessed something unexpected and unbelievable! Lizzy gave birth to her babies right in the car. First she acted in a strange and restless way so the woman noticed something was wrong with her. But then the young mom amazed her and labored just next to her.
Rebecca and her husband were literally shocked and confused at first. But then they pulled themselves together and decided to go to the near vet to assist the mother dog. And during that time the woman was like a nurse supporting and comforting her. Fortunately, everything went well. Lizzy gave birth to 6 lovely puppies who were checked by the vet and were healthy and strong.
Now the little family is doing great. The tiny babies are under the supervision of the vet untill they grow a little more. And now the couple fosters them until theya can find their forever homes. Lizyy is also fine and happy to be protected and safe in her new surroundings. She is really thankful to her saviors for changing her life and keeping her babies comfortable.