The British Woman, 42, Welcomes Her 20th Child: A Look At Their Family Dinner!

Many years ago, a film about the life of a mother with many children was successfully shown in Soviet cinemas. Against the backdrop of her successful classmates, who dedicated their lives to building careers, the character portrayed by actress Gundareva was meant to appear somewhat dull. But the reality turned out to be quite the opposite.
Sue Radford, a resident of the United Kingdom, has no fewer than 20 children! About a year ago, she and her husband discovered that Sue was pregnant with their 20th child. They printed out an ultrasound photo and captioned it: “10 boys and 9 girls. This little one is number 20.” However, the balance of boys and girls wasn’t quite equal. It turned out to be another boy. Sue shared the news of their joy with everyone, but they plan to stop at the landmark number 20.
The story is truly remarkable, especially considering that this large family receives no state financial support. So how do they manage? The head of the family, Noel, runs his own business. He bakes pies, which allows them not only to make ends meet but to live quite comfortably. They live in a fairly spacious house, which has no less than ten bedrooms. Real estate experts have valued the Radford home at £240,000.
Sue met her future husband when she was only seven, and he was eleven. But by the age of fourteen, their first daughter, named Kris, was born. That was just the beginning—more children followed without pause. In their entire story, there was only one instance of tragedy. They had already named the baby Alfie, but he passed away at 23 weeks.