The adorable dog saved the little deer from drawning who later came to thank him

The kind man Ralph Dorn owns an incredible service dog, a nice Goldendoodle named Harley. He does his job perfectly being therapy dog and comforting the ones who need his help.
Once Ralph noticed his amazing pet was missing and he rushed to find him. And he went to the lake near his house where he spotted the brave animal. But he was not alone. It turned out that Harley saved the day by helping a little deer in the middle of the lake, who was almost drowning.
The hero dog was swimming along the water keeping the poor tiny creature above it. And the fawn was truely fortunate to meet Harley, who proved to be a real savior, as the lake was deep and no one could even imagine that a dog might act like that.
Harley brought the minute animal to the shore and he even started to lick and care for it. He didn’t want to leave the sweet deer and firmly decided to stay with it.
But the fawn’s mother was looking at her baby from the distance, and Ralph noticed her approaching slowly as she wanted to be with her child. So the man and his pet stepped back letting them reunite. And they knew that now the baby deer was saved and protected.
The next morning Ralph noticed his nice dog was running from one side of the window to another. There was something exciting outside. And so the man opened the door to see what was happening.
And what a miracle! There was that very little fawn who came to his savior to thank him for his incredible deed. An incredibly warm and lovely scene! Harley and the tiny creature were cuddling each other, touching noses and enjoying their last moments untill the sweet deer returned to the wild. This was the most touching and adorable way for the nice animal to show its thankfulness and appreciation.