The abandoned little dog found a great comfort being with a stuffed teddy bear

 The abandoned little dog found a great comfort being with a stuffed teddy bear

Here is an extremely touching scene of a baby foal who has found his best friend and feels happy with it.

The nice tiny horse Breeze was abandoned by his mother when he was a newborn baby. Thankfully, a kind person noticed the feable creature and informed the Mare and Foal Sanctuary about him.

The rescue team took him to the shelter where he could be protected and comfortable. But the nice animal was so depressed and confused. He felt a huge grief and sorrow and it seemed he would never get used to his new surroundings. Everyone was worried about the orphaned baby.

But the adorable creature soon found a great support and comfort in an unusual way. He could overcome his pain and stress with the help of a big stuffed teddy bear.

The staff was really joyfull to see that the sweet pony found his best companion with whom he felt incredibly cheerful and cosy. Breeze was spending all his time with his devoted friend, he even was sleeping with him.

After some medication and treatment the wonderful animal gained strength and health. Now he was more comfortable and rested in the shelter. His state improved drastically.

And all this due to the speechless companion who supported and encouraged Breeze to feelself-confident and amazing.

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