“Suffering From Her Husband’s Betrayals”: It’s Scary To Watch How Much Weight Natalie Portma Has Lost!

Natalie Portman, known for her beauty and slim figure, went through a challenging experience for her role in “Black Swan.” She had to give up meat, undergo intense training, and follow a strict diet to portray a ballerina.
As a result, she lost a significant amount of weight and won an Oscar. However, recent photos of Natalie have raised concerns among fans, as she appears very thin.
People are expressing their worry, questioning why she would strive for such extreme thinness when she is already beautiful.
Some speculate that the stress and recent scandal involving her husband’s infidelity might have contributed to her appearance. Despite the difficulties, Natalie and her husband Benjamin Millepied are committed to maintaining their relationship.
Fans hope that they can overcome this challenging period and continue to be admired both on and off the red carpet.
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