Stars over 50 who look younger than their age

Stars over 50 who look much younger than their real age
Once your body reaches the age of 50, natural processes occurring in human body provoke rapid aging. Odd enough, but many popular artists were able to stay fit and in good shape. They don’t look their age and perhaps they have hidden beauty procedures kept in secret.
Ekaterina Andreeva
Andreeva has long been the host of the News program on Russian Channel One. She has not changed since 1997. What is the secret of the young appearance at 58 years old? Ekaterina says that she starts her morning with ice washing due to which she tones even the deepest layers of her skin.
Then she takes a contrast shower and eats a light breakfast consisting of vegetables and fruits. But she admits that the most important ârecipe for youthâ is very simple – love. Andreeva’s second husband Dusan Perovich surrounds her with care and support in all life situations.
Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp recently celebrated his 57th birthday. Hollywood’s top pirate recently revealed that he simply follows healthy routine. He tries not to drink and does not smoke, but most of all he likes to stay  home and watch TV. This is his whole secret.
Although, it should be noted, photographs of the actor appeared several times on the Internet, which showed that he was either drunk or under the influence of drugs. So we can assume that Johnny is just a lucky guy with good genes.
Alena Sviridova
Alena is now 57 years old. There are no deep wrinkles on her face, and she has a fit body. Sviridova admits that she does not do anything special â itâs all about genes. Her parents had excellent health and always looked very young.
Alena though follows a healthy routine â she goes to gym and sleeps regular hours. She also loves to walk outdoors.
Dmitry Kharatyan
Dmitry recently turned 60 years old. He was in excellent shape since childhood. At school, he started playing football, then became interested in hockey, and then generally started running in the morning. Although Kharatyan now has a very busy schedule, he follows the habits he developed since adulthood.
In addition to gymnastics and swimming, he loves yoga and follows a special diet. His morning meal includes porridge or muesli followed by lunch and dinner consisting of fish and vegetable salad and a fresh orange juice to supplement his Vitamin C reserves!
Valeria always looks like as if she  is 30-40 years old, although in fact she is 52. Many try to understand how she keeps herself so fit. According to the star, she constantly goes in for sports and has a healthy diet. She likes raw or stewed vegetables and fresh seafood. She advises to exclude flour, sweets and fats from all diets.
Valeria denies any “beauty injections” or facelifts. She simply follows correct skin cleaning routine.
Keanu Reeves
At the age of 55, Keanu Reeves has a lot of fans, especially among young people. Keanu says that his main secret is the healthy diet â he eats small portions several times a day and drinks lots of water to stay hydrated.
Although sometimes he likes alcohol too. In addition  he is a gym lover, which keeps him such a good shape.
Sharon Stone
Sharon Stone is now 62 years old, but she looks 10 years younger. The actress says, she does not have any mysterious secret â its all about her genetics.
Sharon does not take her age as a limitation or an obstacle to do what she loves. Thatâs possibly her best secret.