Shy kittens are taken care of by a dog babysitter as they learn how to get the confidence to interact with people

 Shy kittens are taken care of by a dog babysitter as they learn how to get the confidence to interact with people

Dear readers, you are going to witness a kind dog who temporarily adopted two timid kittens while they gained the confidence to interact with people.

Recently, the pup Kona has gained popularity on social media due to her interesting clips. The owners made the decision to also foster two young cats.

The dog was really dedicated and understood exactly what each cat needed, so it was just a short amount of time until the 3 of them connected.

Over the time that she has been caring for animals, Kona’s owner has found homes for more than a hundred animals. She is well known for fostering a lot of animals.

The reason the woman fostered so many animals was a topic of interest for the interviewers. It eventually became clear that fostering was her method of paying the creatures back. She grew up among three dogs. She relied heavily on them for comfort because she was an only kid. She was feeling obligated because dogs had assisted her in overcoming many challenging circumstances in life as well as loneliness.

Kona not only raised numerous animals as her owner but also as her mother.

It took place naturally! She first maintained cordial ties with the new animals, but with time, she began to play a more significant role as a babysitter and finally gave birth to a kid!

She did not anticipate the kittens’ extreme timidity and fear of people, though. The three developed a unique bond with one another.

Perhaps she picked up on the fact that these two kittens were less outgoing and socialized than the others. She truly possesses a magical touch! The kittens’ socialization has been quite sluggish, but from the time they first encountered Kona on their first days, they were drawn to her.

Fostering may be financially, physically, and emotionally taxing. Foster mothers may mourn for them for days or even weeks if they are difficult to leave.

Fostering so many puppies and kittens is undoubtedly difficult, but it is also incredibly gratifying, and every procedure has its greatest moment.

Being present to observe and see a dog’s “first” behaviors or to watch a cat or dog grow up is just such a pleasant experience. Being present to see all of this unfold is therapeutic for their mother.

Fostering, as we’ve already discussed, may be quite difficult, but on certain days it’s crucial to keep in mind the practice itself and accept facts as they are.

After a few washes and cuddling, Kona had the kittens feeling secure in their safety and overflowing with affection. The timid kittens gradually gained self-assurance, and recently, they even engaged with Kona’s owner. Mom Kona was able to instantly get through to them, but the real mama has taken much longer. However, during the past week, they have begun to allow her to feed them and have slept off close to her.

All of this would not have been possible without Kona.

Since then, the three of them have been friends thanks to Kona’s unwavering love and support.

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