Removed piercings and tattoos: What does Christina Ray look like now after refusing plastic surgery

 Removed piercings and tattoos: What does Christina Ray look like now after refusing plastic surgery

Christina Ray once was a very popular girl with an unusual appearance. She often went to talk shows and spoke about her transformations and plastic surgeries. Christina enlarged her lips, made “tunnels” in her ears, piercings on her face and tattoos.

However, she disappeared from the screens and for some time nothing was heard or seen about her. It turned out that Ray had changed a lot, decided to return to her former appearance.

The reason was that plastic surgery has become available to almost everyone and Christina’s transformations have become uninteresting to anyone. And the girl decided to turn into an ordinary person with a good and lovely appearance.

And what do you think about such changes in one’s look? Is it pleasant to transform oneself so unrecognizably?

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