Pretty guys from the 90s. How Hollywood actors, adored by women, have changed over the years

It seems that in the 90s there was a real cult of Hollywood actors. Almost in the room of every girl it could be found a post of the favorite idol. At that time their type was in high demand, it seemed, they have everything: beauty, intelligence, talent. And it is about such a chosen one that every girl dreams of. Therefore, this “madness” has made these actors real icons of Hollywood. However, over the years, such a mania has passed, and the audience began to calmly perceive the actors. Now more attention is paid to the plot, script, work of the cameraman and director, and not to the pretty face of the main character. But despite the years, these actors are still the favorites of the public. They have changed, but haven’t lost their charm and attractiveness.
Enrique Iglesias
David Beckham
Ricky Martin
Leonardo Dicaprio
Tom Cruise
Antonio Banderas
Johnny Depp
Keanu Reeves
Brad Pitt